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1 RealityBasedEbola  Nov 2, 2014 9:38:15am

And looking at the latest polls, it’s almost a dead lock that Ernst will be in the Senate.


2 Lumberhead  Nov 2, 2014 1:15:26pm

I witnessed this once again this morning watching Good Morning America. Ernst was given credit for running a smart campaign and then Michelle Obama was shown calling Braley the wrong name. Not even a mention of the “controversial” statements that Ernst made in the past. To top it off, it was then mentioned that some overnight poll had her up seven points. Was that poll an outlier? Have most polls shown that much of a difference? I don’t know and I certainly got no context from Stephanopoulus and company. Keep in mind, far more people saw that segment than will ever see/read a more comprehensive look at the campaigns

3 HappyWarrior  Nov 2, 2014 1:47:38pm

If the media truly were “liberal” or even responsible, they would be calling out nuts like Ernst for how crazy they are and how kooky their views are but they won’t because somehow Michelle Obama mispronouncing Bruce Braley’s name is the same as being a fringe lunatic.

4 subterraneanhomesickalien  Nov 2, 2014 3:45:30pm

Every time I read an article by Norm Ornstein discussing this, I always wonder how the hell he is still employed by the wingut welfare complex as a fellow at AEI?

Continuing to bite the hand that feeds him would make one think that AEI’s financial backers would want him gone from their payroll eventually.

Or maybe David Frum was fired not for challenging the prevalent wisdom in the syphilitic-fever addled brain trust of the conservative establishment, but because he’s just a fucking giant douche.

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